Badges and how to activate them
Modified on: Thu, 25 Mar, 2021 at 3:42 PM
What are Badges?
Badges or achievements are virtual prizes that you can get if you train, memorize, ask questions or help your colleagues. Each achievement or badge has 3 levels.
The achievements or badges available in Zapiens are:
Diligent: Answer questions in trainings to get points and unlock each level
Genius: Answer the questions correctly to get points and unlock each level
Fan: Train days in a row in the app to get points and unlock each level
Wiki Human: Learn questions on the "Memorize" card to get points and unlock each level
Explorer: Ask questions to Masterminds through Zap to get points and unlock each level
Tourist: Ask questions from different categories to Masterminds through Zap to get points and unlock each level
Master: Answer your teammates’ questions to get points and unlock each level. Exclusive achievement for Masterminds or Theme administrators
Top 10: Finish trainings in the Top 10 of the Knowledge Ranking to get points and unlock each level

Note: Our list of Achievements, is in Spanish by default, if you want them to appear in another language, you will have to include a translation. Check out our article Translate a badge
How to activate or deactivate Badges?
From the Administration Area, you can "Activate" or "Deactivate" the Achievements or badges to be displayed or not in the App. By default, all achievements or badges are active. To manage this section, follow these steps:
Go to the “Badges" area on the left side menu to access the list of badges
In the Enable/Disable column, click on the blue button to turn off the badges you need
Click on any area of the left side menu to exit the list

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