The "I disagree" and "Memorize" buttons will appear during each training. We will explain when and what they are for.
I disagree
I disagree
The "I disagree" button is displayed after answering each question during the training. This functionality allows you to share opinions that help improve the questions:
Click on the "I disagree" button
Write your opinion about the question or answers
Click on "Send"
Click anywhere on the screen to exit the message: "Thanks for helping me!"
Note: The message you can send is limited to 200 characters.
Check out our article View my reports review
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The “Memorize” button is displayed after each correctly answered question during the training. This functionality allows you to add to the “Memorize” card every question you’ve answered correctly but you still want to memorize to ensure you’ve learnt it.
Answer a question correctly during the training
Click on the “Memorize” button
Click anywhere on the screen to exit the message: Now this question will appear again in Memorize!
Check out our article What is it to Memorize?