Access one of the lists of questions available in Zapiens: "Reported", "Without answer", "With only one answer" and "Completed", and search for the question.

Edit a question

Translate a question

Delete a question

What does the "Discarded Questions" option mean?

Edit a question

Simple and direct editing:

  1. You can edit the question and the answers:

    1. Mouse over the question

    2. A drop-down menu will appear with the following options: "Edit Question" and "Edit Answers"

    3. After making your changes, click on the "Save" button

  2. You can edit the multimedia files by clicking on the circle in the multimedia column:

    1. In the pop-up window, click on "Browse File"   

    2. Find and select the file from the PC and click on "Open"

    3. Click on the "Save" button in the pop-up window

    4. Click the "Close" button to exit the multimedia file editing 

  3. You can edit the Training Pills:

    1. Click on the "" button to modify the media file, the content and the translation of the Training Pill, if any

    2. After making the necessary modifications, click on the "Save" button

Advanced editing:

  1. Click on the "Advanced Options" button or click on the "Three-dots vertical" and then click on "Edit" to access all the sections of a question:

    • Status

    • Category

    • Question

    • Multimedia

    • Answers

    • Training pills

  2. After making the appropriate changes, click on the "Save" button

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Translate a question

In Zapiens you can translate the questions during the creating or editing process of the question: 

  1. Click on the "Save and translate" button or on the "Add translation" section at the top right 

  2. Select the language of the translation

  3. Write the translation of the Question 

  4. Upload the multimedia file again if necessary

  5. Write the translation of the Answers

  6. On the right side, you have the preview of how it appears in the App

  7. Click on the "Save" button and a new section will appear with the name of the selected language. From there you can edit or delete the translation

  8. Click on any section of the left side menu or via the path Questions > New Question or Edit Question, located at the top left to exit the translation process

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Delete a question

  1. Click on the "Three-dots vertical" button and then click on "Delete"

  2. In the pop-up window, click on the "Delete" button or click on the "Close" button to exit the deletion process

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What does the "Discarded Questions" option mean?

This option enables you to access the list of people who have discarded that question during the memorizing process from the App. Which means that they have removed that question from the "Memorize" card 

  1. Go to the "Questions" area on the left side menu and click on the "Question" section to access the list of questions

  2. Find the question you want to check

  3. Click on the "Three-point vertical" button and then click on "Discarded questions" to access the list

  4. Select the people and click on the "Delete" button, so that the question appears again on the "Memorize" card of those users

Note: Remember that if you export a list of questions, edit the questions and import the list again, you will be duplicating the questions. The questions are not edited or updated with the excel lists.

Check out our article Memorize

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