Managing unvalidated questions
Modified on: Tue, 20 Apr, 2021 at 11:36 AM
If your organization has given you the power to be a mastermind in Zapiens, congratulations! With this new functionality, Zap learns and acquires knowledge about your organization in a more rigorous way.
Advantages of the new answer validation process:
Zap's knowledge about your organization increases in a more rigorous way. Zap now learns from previously validated knowledge, that is, it needs at least one other person to confirm that the answers are correct.
Collaboration among masterminds increases, now you will know the answers provided by other colleagues when you manage categories in common and you can give your opinion about them.
Users receive more truthful answers to their questions.
To manage these questions, follow these steps:
Log in to the Administration Area
Go to the "Questions" section in the left side menu and click on the "Question" section to access the list of questions.
Next to the "Without answer" section, a red ball will appear with the number of questions pending to be answered and/or validated.
The column "Answer to validate" will indicate the number 0 and/or 1:
Questions with a 0 are unanswered questions
Questions with a 1 are questions with answers pending validation
Position the mouse over the unanswered question you want to manage.
In the case of a question with an answer pending validation, a drop-down menu will appear with the following options: "Edit question", "Add answer" and "View".
Click on the "View" option to access the following information:
Answers given by experts
Date when your questions was answered
In the "Actions" column, click on the "Validate answer" button to confirm your colleague's answer and the following message will automatically appear: You have validated a mastermind's question
If you do not want to make any changes at this point, click on the "Close" button.

Some important clarifications about the process of validating answers:
To validate answers, the Masterminds have to manage categories in common
Questions related to categories managed by a single Mastermind do not require validation
Questions related to categories managed by only two Masterminds can be validated through the "That’s correct" button in the App
When the other Masterminds in a category have clicked the "I don't know" button from the App, the answer is automatically validated
Questions answered from the Administration Area do not need to be validated by other Masterminds. They are automatically added to Zap's knowledge
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