Through the Excel users template, you can easily create the profiles of the people in your organization who are going to participate in Zapiens


How to download Users Excel Template?

How to fill in the Users Excel Template?

How to import the Users Excel Template?

Most common mistakes in the import process


How to download the Users Excel Template?

  1. Go to the "Users" area on the left side menu and click on the "User" section

  2. Click on the "Upward Arrow Cloud" button at the top right

  3. In the pop-up window, click on the "Download" button 

  4. Find and open the folder on your PC where you want to download the template and click on "Save"


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How to fill in the Users Excel Template?

  1. Open the Excel template "users_sample_en" that you have previously downloaded

  2. In the first row you will find a brief explanation on how to fill each column, read the instructions carefully, then delete that row and follow the next steps:

    • User

    • Email

    • Name

    • Surname 

    • Birthdate: all date formats are supported

    • Phone

    • Admin 1/0 (1 yes/ 0 no): Type 1 in the cells of the people you want to assign the permissions of the Administrator role. Type 0 in  the cells of the people you want to assign the permissions of the Player role

    • Theme Admin 1/0 (1 yes/0 no): Type 1 in the cells of the people you want to assign the permissions of the Theme Admin role. Type 0 in the cells of the people you want to assign the Player role permissions

    • Themes to manage: It includes the categories that each Theme Admin is going to manage separated by (; or >) as the case may be

      • If you manage only one category, write the category: Category 1

      • If you manage a category route, write each category separated by (>): Parent category>Child category... etc

      • If you manage more than one category and they are independent, write each category separated by (;): Category 1;Category 2

      • If you manage a separate category and category route: Category father>Category daughter;Category 1; Category 2

    • Job position

    • The following columns will display the Segments created by your organization. You must add the value(s) of each segment to each person:

      • If it belongs to a value, write the name of the value: Value 1

      • If it belongs to several values of the same segment, write each value separated by (;): Value 1;Value 2. In this case, the segment must have the "Multiple" option enabled in the Administration Area. 

Note: The columns which are required fields to cover are marked with a "Red Asterisk": User, Name, Email, Admin and Theme Admin.


Note: We strongly recommend that the user name and email match to ease the access to the App.


Note: Remember that the segment values must be previously created in the Administration Area.


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How to import the Users Excel Template?

  1. Go to the "Users" area on the left side menu and click on the "User" section

  2. Click on the "Upward Arrow Cloud" button at the top right

  3. In the pop-up window, click on the "Import" button 

  4. Click on the "Select" button

  5. Find the Excel user template on your PC and click the "Open" button

  6. If you make a mistake when selecting the file, click on the “Update" or "Delete" button to reselect

  7. Click on the "Save" button

  8. In the pop-up window, select when you want to notify new users:

    1. Immediately, to send the welcome email at that time

    2. On a specific date, to schedule the delivery. Select a date and time

    3. Click on the "Confirm and Import" button to continue or on "Cancel" to exit the import process

  9. In the next window, the platform will show you the progress of the import process if the number of users you are importing is high. If the number is low, the process will be immediate

  10. Click on the "Accept" button when the import is complete

  11. Click on any area of the left side menu or via the Users > Import Excel path at the top left to exit the import process

  12. In the user list, you can see the new users created

Note: Remember, the notification sent is only received by new users! If you are updating some information of users already created in the Administration Area, even if you have to select a temporary moment, they will not receive any notification.

Check out our article Set up the Welcome Email 

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Most common mistakes in the import process


We explain some of the errors you may find in the user import process:

  1. The {X} segment does not exist. If this error occurs, you must create the segment. 

    Check out our article What a Segment is and how to create it

  2. Empty user field. The column "User" is a required field in all rows. 

  3. Empty name field. The "Name" column is a required field in all rows

  4. Empty email field. The "Email" column is a required field in all rows

  5. The indicated user already exists in the system.  Check the Excel you are importing and discard the possibility of duplicate emails. If, after checking, there are no duplicate emails it is possible that they have been registered in our Coronavirus Emergency Project. A project in which Zapiens is open and free for everyone. Write a new ticket and we will help you to solve it

  6. Wrong format at column {X}. Remember not to remove any column from the user template even if it is not used. If you delete a column, you will get this error

  7. Email format is wrong. If an email does not have the @ this error occurs

  8. The user is not a theme admin. He or she cannot manage categories. Include a 1 in the Theme Admin column to fix this error

  9. The selected category is not registered. Check the "Categories" section and create the category to fix this error. Check out our article What Categories are and how to create them

  10. The {X} segment does not allow multiple values. Check if the "Multiple" feature of that segment is enabled to fix this error. Check out our article What a Segment is and how to create it


Check out our article Create a Segment Value

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