Create a message
Modified on: Fri, 13 Aug, 2021 at 11:29 AM
Messages are a feature that allows you to communicate with people in your organization who participate in Zapiens. Users receive these messages in the “News" area of the App.
At the top right of the "Home" area, click on the "Messages" button
You will access the Message List where you can create a new message, review, edit and delete programmed messages, and check the history of sent messages
How to create a message?
To create a new message follow the steps below:
At the top right of the "Home" area click on the "Messages" button
Click on "Create Message"
In the "Content" section you should fill in the following fields:
Title: obligatory field and a maximum of 200 characters
Message body: obligatory field and no character limit. You can also add external links:
Select the text to which you want to add the link
Click on the "Link" button located in the menu
In the pop-up window, paste the link in the "To what URL should this link go?" part
Click the "Insert a link" button to save the changes
Pages to the message, you can add as many pages as you need using the "Add page" button on the bottom right hand side
Click the "Next" button
In the "Recipients" section, select the people in your organization to whom the message is addressed:
You can select all your teammates, filter by segment values and select a specific group, or filter and select people without a segment assigned
Click on the "Apply" button and you will see the list of people who will receive the message
Click on “Next” to continue
In the "Schedule delivery" section you can send the message immediately or select a specific date and time to send it:
You can activate the "Push Notification" feature. If you activate it, users will receive a notification on their mobile device
You can also add an expiration date and time for each message in the “News" area of the App, that is, program a specific date and time after which the message disappears from the "News" area of the App
Click on the "Save" button and the message will appear in the list of programmed or sent messages, depending on the established settings

Note: While creating your message, if you need to make any changes, use the "Back" button. If you need to change the recipients, click on the “X” on the blue button of the applied filter.
Note: If you want to add a translation, click on the "Save and translate" button. Check out our article Translate a Message
Sent messages
In the "Sent" section you will see the following information:
Title of the message
The person who sent the message
The people who have received the message
The number and percentage of users who have opened the message
The date and time the message was sent

Note: Remember that sent messages cannot be edited or deleted. This section is a history of sent messages.
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